пятница, 2 января 2009 г.

Lavender and Sage Bath Gift Set

Lavender has been used for many centuries all over the world from healing to food! This awesome plant is used for your relaxing bath, athlete's foot, comforting the stomach, for headache alleviation, acne, healing burns, scenting canvaces, stiff joints and sore muscle alleviation and more things!

Interesting, it does all these things, and also scents wonderful! Not all types of Lavender is the same! It comes from the world and in many various qualities! For example, Bulgarian Lavender, also you may know it as for it's healing advantages. Lavender is one of the only 2 inherent oils which you can use directly on skin with no weakening.

Also Lavender can be brought to people in a nice relaxing bath and body lines. After many kinds of research in the relaxing bath and body market we made, we made a decision to go with a natural smell, that also had many other advantages. Instead of impeding the shelves of shops with tons of ordinary smells, we decided to focus our efforts to one, Lavender, and we really enjoy this. This product is made by hand with the full attention to all the details. Try this and Enjoy our products!

Features: Includes gel, and lotion, loofah sponge and more

Price: $19.95


суббота, 27 декабря 2008 г.

Relaxing bath tips - The Ultimate Relaxing Bath

There are so many nice natural relaxing bath tips and recipes shared for everyone, so we decided to post these tips to this blog to gather them in one place. Today we post a new natural beauty tip.

The Ultimate Relaxing Bath

Do you know people who doesn’t like a great relaxing bath? I don't. The most proper temperature for your relaxing bath experiment should be about 100 degrees Fahrenheit. This temperature allows to un-tighten and relax your muscles. At this temperature your brain also stimulates easeful chemicals. And sure, adding natural inherent oils, for example lavender, patchouli or relaxing bath salts will help in the relaxation process.

Just before you submerge your body into the relaxing bath, softly flake your skin away. This can help to aquire the advantages of the easeful inherent oils more quickly. Dont' forget to turn the lights down low, and animate a calming aromatic soy-bean candle. Enjoy your relaxing bath, but it would be better not to stay in the bath for more 30 minutes, as you simply may get too relaxed and fall asleep. We dont' recommend you to do this in the relaxing bath :) After 20 - 30 minutes, I like to get out of the tub, smear on some moistening lotion, glide into some comfortable jammies and go right to bed.

Enjoy your relaxing bath and have a fun! :)

вторник, 23 декабря 2008 г.

Lavender bath salts

Bathing Luxury Within Your Reach

Do you want to soak in a bath of just water? I don't think so. Why? That's no fun! Lavender bath salts add a new dimension to bathing experiment, because they not only help to relax, but can "exile" stress and help you disburden the aching muscles. You can get bath salts in many nice smells, but there is one perfume that should be the first anyway, and that smell is lavender. Everyone who wish to try the easeful effective of this nice herb can easily reach lavender bath salts.

Lavender has been used during the whole centures. Ancient Romans idolized lavender, muddling the dried herb parts into tobacco, using lavender on their bodies as a nice perfume etc.

Antiseptic And Medicinal

Lavender also has antiseptic and medicinal characteristics. It often was used as a sone kind of painkiller and also used widely for its calming qualities as it is a bland plant. Lavender can even bring down your blood pressure. Lavender is an excellent drug for suntan, and is a natural help for the home pet against flea.

Lavender inherent oil is used in some perfumes and relaxing bath products, but it really sparkle when it is mixed with the appropriate bath salts for relaxation.

When you submerge yourself in a bath where lavender bath salts have been added into the water, be ready for a sensuous aromatherapy experiment. The luxurious lavender smell will take you far away from reality! You'll find that breathing in the fumes of the inherent lavender oil will abate any disquite that you probably have, soothing and relaxing your senses almost like real magic.

Safe For Babies Too

Lavender is also well used as a sleep assistance, in some cases even healing sleeplessness. There are even some kind of products in the drug-stores which are created special for babies that contain lavender. So keep in mind that it is a safe herb, that will also help to relax you and induce sleep. But the basic lavender bath is not packaged for babies! If you would like the ultimate lavender experiment, lavender bath salts will be good for you.

Lavender bath salts also have antiseptic characteristics, due to both the inherent oil of lavender and the natural salt. Lavender bath salts can help you to fight against such problems like mosquito bites, acne, eczema, or psoriasis.

Lavender bath salts are recommended to the patients by their doctors. The use of these salts will help to leave you feeling relaxed. Isn't it time you enjoyed the many benefits of lavender bath salts?

понедельник, 22 декабря 2008 г.

Bath salts recipes for a refreshing bath time

Here are some bath salts recipes:

  • Dead Sea and Sunflower Salt
    Affix 2 glasses of Dead Sea Salts with 2 cups of sunflower petals and sprinkle 1/4 table-spoon of Anise Inherent Oil to this mix. Such mixture can be rather efficient during summer. Try to use this before engaging yourself into difficult field activities.

  • Bath Salt for Cristmas
    Add 1 and a half glass of Epsom Salt with some droplets of peppermint oil and, if you like, some droplets of food coloring. Flow the mixture in a tube jar and then you can decorate it elegantly to add presents to the holiday festivals.

  • Colored and Aromatic Bath Salt
    Muddle 2 glassed of Epsom salts and 1 glass of Rock/Sea/Course Salt together. After that muddle 1/4 tea-spoon of glycerin, inherent oils, food colourants and stir it well before adding this with the mix of the bath salts. Excessive water might cause the dissolving if the relaxing bath salts and hence, try to avoid excessive use components on water base.

  • Bath Salt of Desert Sands
    Muddle 1 glass of baking soda with 3 glasses of Epsom salts, 2 tea-spoons of fluid glycerin and some droplets of jasmine smell and stir it well. Try to use diverse food colourants to add them to the mix before putting an equal amount of the mix to 2/3 cups. Muddle the color in each bowl correctly and let them dry for some hours. After the mix of each bowl has dried, flow them into the jar.

  • Scrubs Bath Salt
    For you to be abled to make the shrubs bath salt use different herbages according to oil smell you prefer. Lavender based shrubs will go well with rose petal powder and lavender flower powder compliments a rose shrubs.

суббота, 20 декабря 2008 г.

Relaxing bath video

Take a relaxing bath

Relaxing baths are wonderful. Whether you are going to take a bath to clean up or just to relax. You possibly don't imagine that a relaxing bath can be an pleasing event. Everything is very simple: buy special relaxing bath salts, bath pillow, lie back, try to put your legs up on the tiling and relax. Some people may declare that how to take a bath is evident, but don't hurry up.

Here some steps from us on how to take relaxing bath correctly and with the most pleasure:

* Select the water temperature you would like. Rather cold baths have their attraction for some people, but most (me too) prefer to take a hot relaxing bath. One good way to warm a bath a bit is to build a small fire near the relaxing bath and keep stones on the fire. When the stones get hot enough, start placing them in the water (!BUT NO BY THE HAND!) and stearing the water up until the water temperature reaches the level you like.

* Take off all your clothes. Then prepare your bath. Then you need to sure you close the door!

* Fill your bath with water. If you have a bathtub which is built into your home, you most likely have running water available. If it is, turn the valve on. Otherwise, try using pails to bring water to a bath. Fill it until there is enough water to immerse your body in. Don't forget the water level will ascent when you get in.

* Get into the bath. Immerse yourself only up to your neck so as not to drown.

* Relaxation time. Breathe deeply, close your eyes and try to enjoy yourself. If you'd like, you can use soap to wash yourself, but keep in mind that your water will be full of soap and maybe after this.

Relaxing bath tips:

* If you are taking a relaxing bath, try showering to clean yourself first and only then bathing to relax. This will guarantee that the bath water will be clean.
* You may use different bath salts, tea leaves or any other method you would like to make your bath pleasing.
* Ice in your bath can keep you cool. But they unfortunately will melt after some time.
* Taking relaxing bath with your friend can be also enjoyable.
* Soft music can add a nice touch.
* Don't select your bath too deep or big. You should be able to lie in it without risk of immersing unruly.

среда, 17 декабря 2008 г.

Homemade relaxing bath salts

Relaxing bath salts
Relaxing bath salts are a great addition to your relaxation system. This is a great method if you would like to get rid of dead skin. Even better, relaxing bath salts cheap and can be easily made at home by your own arms.
We offer you some quick step so as you will be able to make bath salts for your relaxing bath at home:

  • 1. Collect all necessary supplies. For a common batch of a relaxing bath salts, you will need one chalice of epsom salt, 1 cup of soda, 2 table-spoon liquid glycerine, food coloring (skip this if you want natural product :) ) and inherent oils. Also don't forget about a mixing bowl, spoon and ornamental jar.

  • 2. Mixx the epsom salt and soda well. Add some glycerine, about four droplet of food coloring (if it is) and several droplets of inherent oil. A little color and a smell will go far a way. Mix well to avoid lumps. Color and essential oil should be added if needed.

  • 3. Move the relaxing bath salts to a ornamental jug. If you want to present the salts as a gift, possibly you also want to involve a ladle to get the salts out of the jug and some letter with the recipe about how to use them: Add two table-spoons in a warm relaxing bath.

Here some tips from us for making the best salts for relaxing bathes:

  • You can get baking soda, Epsom salt and food coloring almost at most grocery stores. Glycerine can be found at your local drug store. You will also can find a variety of inherent oils here.

  • Select a color for your relaxing bath salts that will harmonize with the bathroom in which the bath salts will be kept.

  • If you are going to give this as a gift, so let the mixture to sit overnight, to dry completely, otherwise, it will become very solid and it will be difficult to get it out of the container.

  • Try adding the bath relaxing salts just before you enter the tub. If you add the them too early, the water heat will condense the smell from the inherent oils.

  • You can try to add some table-spoons of dried herbages or flower such as lavender or rose petals.